Cubicle-Series 900 has been designed for the Reception & General Office Staff. Height of wall partation is 900 mm. Drawer units and storage are optional.

Cubicle-Series 1100 has been designed for the Staff and includes a table top, directly attached to the inside wall of the cubicle, with drawers. Height of wall partation is 1100 mm. Side runner can also be installed

Introducing the Hi-tech . Cubicle-Series 1350 is designed for staff/executive & workstation use. It comes with a higher wall partation for more privacy. Height of wall partation is 1350 mm. It also has provision for shelves & drawer units.

Cubicle-Series 1600 offers more spacious configuration designed for executives. Height of wall partation is 1600 mm. It also provides for overhead storage cabinets, drawer units & side runner.

A Cubicle for two with a centre table convenient for discussions and shared lunches.
Staff/Meeting Cubicle offers more spacious configuration for staff meeting purpose. Height of wall partation varies from 100mm to 1600mm. It also provides for overhead storage cabinets, drawer units & side runner.

Manager Cubicle
A flexible, ergonomically designed cubicle ideal for Top Managers. The perfect place to make decisions and hold one-to-one discussions.

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